The Fezomid of Doom
In the time of Covid-19, face masks have become the new normal. Fezzes on the other hand – maybe not. Yet I seem to have more than a few of them.
Circa Halloween of 2018 I needed a costume for a party my spawn Ashley and I were to attend. The theme was creepy toys. After pondering over haunted dolls and possessed tin toys I finally settled on what is quite possibly the worst idea of a toy ever created for a child. Surely none could be more nightmare inducing that the symbol monkey.

Who would give this to a child?
For some reason, my memory of this thing included it wearing a fez. Maybe I’d merged it with the flying monkeys of the Wizard of Oz or I’m just getting old and my memory faulty. Either way, I started looking for fezzes to complete my costume. I soon learned that fezzes are startlingly hard to find. Costume ones looked too cheap and nice ones are made from wool, which being decidedly not vegan, were out for me. I then remembered seeing a cool Halloween Jack O’lantern themed one on someone I follow on Instagram. It took me a lot of back scrolling but I finally found it. You can go looking for it here.
It was then that I purchased my own from a lovely small company called Fez-O-Rama. Do go visit them, but beware – you too may soon have more fezzes than you have headzes.

Here’s the results from the party. My daughter Ashley is in the last photo on the far left BTW.
Soon though I had to have another.

And, well, then I needed shelves.
Which finally lead to stacking them on shelves. Thus, I present the Fezomid of Doom.

So if you’re looking for a quality non-wool fez in just about any style for any fandom go check out the work of Fez-O-Rama. Also, the matching pandemic masks are from them as well. They may or may not be still available when you go looking since they were a special project started on their Patreon. The link is below and you know what to do.