Halloween Reading List 2020: Midnight in the Graveyard
Well I powered through The House of the Seven Gables, which was a little tedious I must admit, and now I’m on to an anthology of short stories by various artists entitled Midnight in the Graveyard. The first two stories have been lovely little nuggets to bite into with just the right spice and flavor to keep me well interested. I suspect I’ll finish it quickly.

Midnight. Some call it the witching hour. Others call it the devil’s hour. Here in the graveyard, midnight is a very special time. It is a time when ghostly spirits are at their strongest, when the veil between our world and theirs is at its thinnest. Legend has it, that while most of the world is asleep, the lack of prayers allow the spirits to communicate under the cover of darkness, among the headstones, their whispers rustling in the leaves of the old oak trees. But if you’re here in the graveyard, you can tell yourself it’s just the wind, that the moonlight is playing tricks on your eyes, that it’s only the swirling mist you see. But when you hear the graveyard gate clang shut, the dead have something to say. Here are their stories…
I’ve got the Audible version, but you can snag whatever you want from the Amazon link below or get it from your favorite book seller. Let me know what you think in the comments below.