Category Archives: A Better World
The Story So Far…2020
Or not if you can’t stomach reading it all.
I’m sad to say there are things on here I hadn’t heard of and had to Google. The smoke from the burning trash is hard to see through sometimes.
The Pandemic of Ignorance
I love me a good conspiracy theory, and I must say that in the past I haven’t always been diligent on checking sources for things I believed. That being said I’m of the opinion that Facebook and Twitter are a pox upon the sanity of humanity the way their algorithms feed the conspiracy minded individuals of the world.
Whenever I want to bathe in my own political opinions I know the Young Turks are gonna be there for me. Right now I’m with Anna in this video. I wash my hands of the idiots of the world and am only concerned with taking care of myself and the people I love. Lord of the Flies and literally every zombie movie ever revealed how people will act when things get bad.
C’mon people – wear the mask in public. Be responsible. I think some book somewhere said we should be our brother’s keepers didn’t it? So show some concern for your sisters and brothers out there and do every thing you can to not needlessly extend this pandemic.
When Bad Times Lead to Positive Change
If you’re like most people right now which is roughly half way through 2020, your anxiety is probably at a fever pitch. It’s hard to stay positive when the news everyday is a dumpster fire. It’s important to keep focused on the road ahead I think, and one way to get over the potholes is to think about how society changed for the better after horrific events in the past and how we can too if we just keep working for it.
The Apocalypse Marches On
The dystopian future we were warned about is here, and people are protesting the wearing of masks to slow the spread of COVID-19. You can’t make this up.