Category Archives: A Better World
Stop Believing Dangerous Bullshit
Yeah, I think there’s a possibility there’s something to the Bigfoot phenomena. However, I am pretty sure Bigfoot has no dangerous opinions about masks, 5G, or whether covid-19 was created by pharmaceutical companies, and I know for sure he’s never told me to vote against your rights as a person. And stop calling him Bigfoot – his name is Darryl and he’s really sensitive about that.
While I love a good conspiracy theory, some of these beliefs are dangerous to everyone. Take 20 minutes of your life and watch below.
In Case You Weren’t Sure, We Live In The Dumbest Timeline
Once upon a time I voted for a celebrity to be President of the United States. No, not Donald Trump. The man I voted for was Ronald Reagan, and I made that spectacular blunder the very first time I was … Continue reading →
Trump Family LARPs Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death, is Surprised When Death Actually Shows Up
You can’t make this shit up. In Poe’s story, rich people led by Prince Prospero, decide to throw a masquerade party and lock themselves away from the peasants who are dying from plague. A mysterious guest shows up dressed as a Red Death figure. No spoilers, but you can guess how it ends.
People never change do they? I wonder if anyone on the guest list to the real party in the Hamptons in the video above had read this story or seen the Vincent Price movie, sensed the irony, and decided to skip it. Probably not knowing the arrogance of these type of people.

The Psychology of Why People Suck at COVID-19 Safety
The biggest frustration for those of us dealing with wearing masks and doing social distancing is all the idiots who aren’t. They’re causing this to go on longer than it has to, and their choice to do all the wrong things – no masks, Covid parties going to bars, etc – has a body count attached to it. While I’m pretty sick of people doing things like this and continually making it about politics this video pretty well lays out why people can’t wrap their heads around the abstract idea of the COVID-19 threat. We’re all going to suffer longer for it.